international education
for equine bitfitters
Logo CRKBO registred Logo association IAEBF

language: EN | NL | FR

IEEBF: bit-fitting education

There you are in the equestrian shop, looking at the collection of bits that are neatly displayed. There are so many different kinds of bits, with so many different functions. And to top it off, all horses have individual mouths with individual requirements.  How does one know which one to choose for a specific horse and which one will be the best for a certain riding purpose?

A course in the International Education for Equine Bit Fitters (IEEBF) will be able to assist you to answer these questions.  The IEEBF provides training in the field of bit-fitting and has originated from the fields of dentistry and veterinary medicine. The IEEBF focuses on educating individuals about the correct fitting of bits in horses’ mouths with the aim of obtaining comfort for the horse and rider as well as functionality according to the different riding disciplines.


IEEBF is a CRKBO registered institution and is accredited by the IAEBF, IGFP and the KNHS.

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The basic course
Bit Consultant

Bit Consultant is a start-up course of two days which also involves 130 KNHS license points. This course is designed for anyone who wants to gain more knowledge about the different types of bits, the bit usage and the anatomy of the horse’s head and mouth.


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Icoon opleiding


Want to know more? Then you can do modules which encompass a deeper knowledge about Bit-fitting. Questions which can be answered in these modules are: What problems and deviations can be encountered with horse’s teeth? What traumas can occur in the mouth when bits are incorrectly fitted? How can the bridle be improved with a good bit?


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Icoon opleiding

professional bit-fitter

Do you want to differentiate yourself and be a Professional Bit-fitter? Then you can follow the last two modules that go even deeper into bit -fitting knowledge. These modules deal with weymouth bits, tack to bid, instruction from professionals in the field of saddles, physiology and even dissection!


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International education in English!

8 January 2018

The English bitfitting training (Part A – modules 1 – 3) will be given in 2018, from Sep. 20-22 and…

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Course season 2017

The first course season has been successful! The group of equestrian professionals have followed the education with great enthusiasm!

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Nominated for Horses Product of the Year 2016!

1 March 2017

The International Education for Equine Bit Fitters is nominated for Horses Product of the Year 2016 in the category of education! Would you…

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